A skulk of foxes cropping up in unexpected places...
"If you were a fox, you'd have a head start in business. You'd be
gifted with intelligence, style and speed. Just the qualities you
need to catch the attention of a professional audience."
So reads the copy of the Hewlett Packard advertisement from which this
photograph of a terrific anthropomorphic card fox model originates.
This charming illustration is actually the design from box of a
Cadburys' chocolate 'Roses' easter egg, circa. ~1995.
The artist is uncredited.
This fox is rendered in marzipan and food colouring. It was pulled
from a birthday cake and slapped straight into the scanner. Heh.
The artist won't own up.
One of the former security guards at UUNET is a fox
fan and hobbyist painter. Here he is pictured with two of the
paintings he brought in to show us.
This is a picture of one of the foxes that used to regularly visit our
garden. Drawn by Daniel Moss. No, he's not very old.
For the curious, this is a screenshot from when the Fox Box III
front-page fox was being modelled.